Debugging TLS problems

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There is a problem with CentOS 9 and TLS with Asterisk. These tools may help to identify the issue

List all the ciphers available

 openssl ciphers -v

Check the ciphers available on a SSL server

 openssl s_client -connect -cipher ALL

Check the protocols available on SSL server

To check for the ciphers available on a client, dump the packets with tshark

 tshark -i eth0 -w /var/www/html/tls.pcap -s 1500 -f 'host and port 5061'

And then process in wireshark using the ssl.handshake filter. Look for the Secure Socket Layer section

Enable LEGACY support

  update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY

Check support level

  update-crypto-policies --show

In pjsip.conf now you can use
