Multitenant Realtime Asterisk PBX
MiRTA PBX is a PHP-based interface with a MySQL backend designed to manage a multi-tenant PBX built on the Asterisk Open Source PBX. Its user-friendly interface enables seamless administration of one or more Asterisk PBX systems in multi-tenant, load-sharing, and high-availability configurations. All configurations are stored in a database, facilitating easy integration with existing CRM and billing software. MiRTA PBX, in combination with Asterisk, provides a comprehensive suite of features typically found in professional PBX solutions.
Support Included
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ChatGPT integration
Seamless integration with ChatGPT enables your PBX to interact with callers, providing answers and executing actions in real time.
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Multitenant PBX
A Multitenant PBX allows multiple distinct clients to operate on a single software instance while maintaining dedicated PBX functionality for each. In this architecture, all clients share the same server and Asterisk instance, but their data and configurations are virtually partitioned to create customized virtual PBX environments. This approach optimizes resource utilization and significantly reduces costs by leveraging a single Asterisk instance for multiple clients.
Realtime PBX
A traditional Asterisk-based PBX stores configuration data in plain files. Each time a configuration change is made, the file must be updated, and Asterisk must be instructed to reload its settings. While this approach works well for single-instance, single-client deployments, it becomes inefficient as the number of clients increases. Frequent reloads put excessive strain on Asterisk, leading to performance degradation, reduced call quality, and potential system instability. A Realtime PBX, on the other hand, utilizes a database instead of plain files, retrieving configuration data dynamically only when needed. Changes are made directly in the database and take effect immediately, eliminating the need for reloads and ensuring seamless, high-performance operation.
High Availability
MiRTA PBX can be hosted on a single server or deployed across multiple servers to achieve both scalability and high availability. Each system component can run on a dedicated server, allowing you to expand capacity and resilience simply by adding more servers. Asterisk servers operate in a shared pool, enabling seamless failover—any server can be powered off without disrupting services. Since no data is stored on individual Asterisk servers, all configurations and settings are dynamically retrieved from database servers. Additionally, an intelligent caching system optimizes bandwidth usage and reduces the load on database server CPUs when needed.